Established in 1839 by Antoine Norbert de Patek and François Czapek, Patek Philippe stands as a pinnacle of Swiss watchmaking. A pivotal moment came in 1845 when Jean-Adrien Philippe joined, bringing key innovations like the crown winding mechanism. In 1868, the brand developed its first wristwatch. In 1932, the Stern family assumed ownership, nurturing Patek Philippe’s legacy.

The Patek Philippe logo, a stylized Calatrava Cross, has evolved since its introduction in 1857. Inspired by the Calatrava cross, which symbolizes a blend of art and science, the logo mirrors the brand’s core values. Its current form, a refined emblem, was introduced in the 1950s, embodying timeless elegance and tradition.

Patek Philippe is renowned for its handcrafted timepieces, exemplified by the 1925 debut of the cushion-shaped Gondolo watch and the celebrated Calatrava collection in 1932. The 1989 creation of the Calibre 89, a pocket watch with numerous complications, underscored the brand’s technical prowess.